
2018 Updates from Camp Oz: Day One!

A panoramic photo shows a large group of kids and counselors gathered around a plaza at camp, sitting on wooden benches. - Updates from Camp

Our first day at Camp Oz was hot, hot hot!  We welcomed 130 campers out to Camp St. Croix for the week in what felt like 120 degree weather.  But everyone sure was troopers!  The campers got settled into their cabins and headed to unit activities where they got to each other a bit better.  By that time dinner was ready and we all sweatily piled into the dining hall for our first official meal at Camp Oz 2018. 

After dinner was over it actually cooled down quite a bit, which was a relief.  The campers headed back to their cabins to finish up getting settled in and played some icebreaker games.  Opening campfire followed where the counselors do various skits to get the campers pumped for the week ahead.  Due to the hot temps all day and it being our first day here we all decided it was best to have an early bedtime so we can hit the ground running tomorrow.  

A group of 20 camp counselors and nurses group together on a balcony wearing matching camp oz t-shirts.

With getting everything settled we don’t have many photos to share for today, but stay tuned for tomorrows blog with accompanying photos of our first full day at camp!  Thank you to all the families who made it out today to drop their campers for a week at Oz.

Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota appoints Jenna Carter as new Executive Director.