A brand new year of camp is under way, and we’re off to a great start! With a nice cool day for us yesterday, check-in went smoothly and all 117 campers got settled into their cabins. The first item on their schedule was unit activities with their cabin mates and it seemed like a lot of quick friendships were made. Before they knew it, it was already time to eat dinner in the Dining Hall.
To open up the new Camp Oz year together, All Camp Games were up next, with an all-out enthusiastic game of capture the flag with every camper playing. There was plenty of chasing down and tagging out campers and counselors alike. If the group chants before and after the game were any indication, everyone had a lot of fun!

We then gathered around the flagpole and the counselors put on their annual silly skits for the campers, which all of the kids found hilarious, of course. It’ll be the campers’ turn to make their own skits on Thursday, so that’ll be really fun! After that, the campers all retired to their cabins for bedtime routines and to settle in for a good night’s sleep.
We’ll have a full day’s schedule of morning and afternoon activities today, so look out for tomorrow’s post about the first full day of camp! Thanks to all the families for making check-in on Sunday run really well and for bringing their kids out for a week of fun at Camp Oz!
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