The fifth and final day of virtual Family Camp began with a literal splash of color. The name of the game was tie dye and the aim of the game was creating a new shirt to remember Family Camp for the rest of the summer. Heeding safety warnings to only dye t-shirts, most families migrated outside and enjoyed the activity and the hot weather at the same time. Although there was some interest in dyeing fingers to make them look alien-esque, campers pulled on rubber gloves to protect against the bright blue, red, and green dye and got busy spraying their meticulously twisted, folded, and rubber-banded shirts.

All of the shirts are now carefully resting in their sealed bags and campers can’t wait until dinnertime tonight to be able to see how their work turned out. Much like Slime on Monday, tie dyeing gave campers the opportunity to practice their delayed gratification skills!
The final activity breakout sessions offered up the choice between Gratitude Postcards or Party Games and both options enticed campers to join. The postcard group first thought of someone special in their lives and took a blank postcard and created a personalized picture for them. Then they thought about everything they loved about them and how thankful they were to have them in their life before writing a heartfelt message to send. I know for sure that a certain sister and mother should keep an eye on their mailboxes!
The Party Games group came ready to play and enthusiastically dove into multiple rounds of Nature Pictionary. Drawing, clue-giving, and guessing skills were in abundance as every answer was correctly guessed! Do you know what grey animal lives in Africa, swims in water, and is the theme of a popular board game? A hippo!

The week definitely flew by but we had so much fun spending it with all of our Family Campers! Our virtual set up would not have been possible without the energy and participation that everyone brought each day and we are so lucky to have the campers that we did. We were constantly impressed with their kindness, their can-do attitudes, and giant smiles, and we know Family Camp will be a memory for us that lasts far beyond the summer!
Things we loved hearing:
- “I think I used too much dye. There’s a puddle”
- “Another thing that I really loved about camp was making new friends”