
DEI Committee Member Spotlight – Douachee Lee

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The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee helps us better serve communities of color, Native communities, individuals living with complex and rare epilepsies, and communities marginalized through social, economic, and political barriers as well as health care providers working most directly with these populations. Douachee Lee is a member of our DEI Committee and the Senior Marketing Manager at EFMN since 2019.

Q: Why do you serve on the DEI Committee?

DL: As a Person of Color (POC) in marketing, it’s always been important for me to understand how to properly communicate with individuals and communities. DEI brings in an important component because messages can impact different communities differently, so it’s important to be aware of that. DEI is also important in bringing in a wealth of knowledge. With that knowledge, the impact of communication and marketing can serve everyone effectively.

Q: What do you want people to know about epilepsy?

DL: Epilepsy and seizures are common. Because of this, I want people to know how to respond to someone who has a seizure in public.

Q: What EFMN program or service do you want to highlight to someone who is new to the organization? Why?

DL: Information Services is such a helpful service. It provides 1:1 support an EFMN staff member is able to discuss different issues based on someone’s need. Epilepsy can impact people differently, so 1:1 support is helpful in discussing those different issues.

Q: Tell us something about yourself that others may find interesting – either personal or professional, something that shows the audience who you are.

DL: As a Hmong-American, I believe that everyone has a spirit/soul (“plig” in Hmong) that lives with them and watches over them. Although I don’t always follow the traditions of the Hmong culture, I think the plig is important to one’s health and happiness.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

We are committed to eliminating barriers, creating inclusion, and supporting all within our communities.

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Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota appoints Jenna Carter as new Executive Director.