
Camp Oz Day 1 – Welcome Back!

- Updates from Camp

Today marked the first day of in person Camp Oz in over 2 years and it is off to a great start! It was a hot one today, but over 60 campers and their families checked in today to have a week full of adventure and fun!

Campers met their cabinmates and counselors and worked on their cabin contract  right  after check in.  Then it was on to learn more about Camp St. Croix values, watching some counselors doing some fun skits and then everyone heard the “meal spiel” (i.e. dining hall etiquette).  We had a great supper of lasagna rolls, breadsticks and homemade chocolate chip cookies and there were thumb’s up all around as I walked around the tables, asking how the food was.  

Campers headed out to their cabins for a bit more “chill time” before gathering on the A Field for a rousing game of “Capture the Flag”.  We have some very talented campers who were able to sneak through the sea of defenders, and we actually had a tie breaker game, with the green team taking the title! (see pics).   Plenty of water breaks and cooling towels were out in full force, making sure everyone stayed nice and hydrated.   We even had cheering sections on both sides of the field, for those campers who chose to not exert themselves. 

Camp game led to one of the favorite evening pre-bed activities, campfire with s’mores!  Soon after, the campers hit the showers to cool off and get ready for bed.  As the campers prepped for bed, getting their bedtime meds went smooth, and we even had a few who fell asleep before lights out at 9:30!

We are so excited for what is in store on Monday, and we have already made plans for the hot temps to adjust activities tomorrow to water activities or indoor activities for cabin groups!

The Camp St. Croix staff are doing an amazing job with the Camp Oz campers, and we even have two past Camp Oz campers that are counselors this year!  They are amazing!

Remember no news is good news from Camp Oz!  The kids are doing great!   

Until tomorrow’s recap! 


Camp Oz Director

Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota appoints Jenna Carter as new Executive Director.