Today the dining hall bell rang out across Camp Oz at 8:00 am sharp and our morning was off and running. Or maybe “sleepily walking” is more appropriate after a couple of loaded days so far! It doesn’t take much time and/or food though before they start animatedly chit-chatting away at breakfast. You can really tell how tight the cabins are becoming because the general chatter noise in the dining hall has steadily been rising all week. Once you get some of these kids started, there’s no stopping their stories! There was a brief added uproar today as the cereal bar tubs ran dry but the kitchen crew jumped into action to avert this very serious crisis. 🙂
Slow and steady we are getting all of the campers to the beach with a record five cabins getting their turn in the river throughout the day. Swim tests were passed, deep ends were conquered, eagles were spotted, and numerous body parts were buried in the sand. The kids were even having so much fun today that the standby lifeguards were compelled to join in the exciting water games. At the end of it all, whether the cabins showered or not after swimming, us staff are definitely thankful for the water’s cleaning powers!
Other highlights included both balancing and bouncing on the slackline, plus some hilarious challenges of who could survive the longest on the wiggly line before tipping off. Mass production of friendship bracelets has begun, marker tattoos are showing up everywhere and you guessed it, more Gaga Ball was played. It is so cool to see campers from multiple cabins jumping into the games together and as much as it’s supposed to be a free-for-all, cabin alliances play a pretty large role until the final combatants left standing square off. Peace and harmony between the cabins only exists outside of the Gaga pit!
Tonight’s entertainment was Oz Got Pageant at the Flag Pole and each cabin spent some prep time getting their counselors dressed up to compete in a mini talent show and lip sync battle. Each song was cued up on the speakers and campers readily joined in the singing and dancing. Hands were thrown in the air like they just didn’t care, with claps to the beat and stomps of the feet. Counselors were the stars of this show but it served as a reminder for campers to start working on their routines if they want to perform in Oz Got Talent on Friday morning. Last year’s edition had dancers, drawers, singers, musical performers and more so we’re giddy with anticipation to have our socks knocked off this year too.
We’re excited to get our last groups to the horses tomorrow and round out the last of our adventures. There is still lots to accomplish and experiences to be had. Spirits are high but first some serious shut-eye is needed to recover from this wild Wednesday!
Bye for now!
Assistant Camp Oz Director
Thank you to Mayo Clinic for sponsoring Camp Oz!