
The Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota Blog

2019 Camp Oz – Day 5

- Updates from Camp

It took until the end of the afternoon on the last full day for us to see the first tiny bit of not-so-great weather. Pretty lucky, if you ask us! We had warm temps and sun for the majority of the day, until the clouds started to gather around 4pm

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Camper play game inside a wooden arena

Camp Oz 2019 – Day 4

- Updates from Camp

Wednesday marked the start of the second half of the week for Camp Oz, and you could definitely feel a more relaxed, low-key feeling around camp. Campers were getting fully into the routines of their daily schedule and knowing what to expect when. Day 4 also marked ANOTHER incredibly nice

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A group of campers in life preservers stand in ankle deep water

Camp Oz 2019 – Day 3

- Updates from Camp

Hopefully, the weather keeps holding out for us, because it’s only gotten better over the week! Tuesday was our nicest day yet with sunny skies and perfect temperatures, a great day for more camp activities!Day 3 brought even more cohesion and camaraderie between the camper groups, it seemed. From swimming

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A group of older campers sit on benches around a campfire

Camp Oz 2019 – Day 2

- Updates from Camp

The first full day of Camp Oz is in the books, and it was great! Cooler overcast weather with occasional peaks of sun gave us a nice breezy day for being outside. Campers had rotating cabin activities for the day – 2 blocks in the morning and 2 blocks in

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A group of young campers in hats pose for the camera

Camp Oz 2019 – Day 1

- Updates from Camp

A brand new year of camp is under way, and we’re off to a great start! With a nice cool day for us yesterday, check-in went smoothly and all 117 campers got settled into their cabins. The first item on their schedule was unit activities with their cabin mates and it

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A representative meets with her constituent in her office

Advocacy End of Session Wrapup

- Advocacy

The Minnesota epilepsy community had a strong and active advocate base this legislative session. The Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota (EFMN) appreciates all of the individuals and families who met with and called legislators, wrote letters and emails, attended Epilepsy Day at the Capitol, testified at hearings, attended rallies, and joined

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A family wearing brightly colored shirts groups together in their backyard for a team photo

Meet Leah Whitmore-Hunstock

- Thriving with Epilepsy

Team Leah is returning for their sixth Rise Above Seizures Walk and may just have their largest walk team yet. They all come together to support Leah, an 8-year-old with epilepsy who wants to be a chef, but in the meantime plays basketball, rides her bike with friends, and of course does some cooking and baking.

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An older man in a black zip-up sits in front of a picture window in his living room

Meet Bob Greer

- Thriving with Epilepsy

Change can come at any point in life, and for Bob Greer, there have been many moments of unexpected change. Shortly after getting married Bob was drafted into the Army, and more recently he was diagnosed with epilepsy at the age of 73. With no known cause for his recent seizures and diagnosis, Bob used EFMN’s Information Services and Connect Groups to learn about treatments and how others manage their epilepsy.

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A doctor smiles at her patient and gestures with her hands.

Managing Your Epilepsy (Part 3): Being an Active Participant in Your Care

- Clinician's Corner

People with epilepsy partner with their health care team in order to bring about better seizure control. In the first article Dr. Rogin emphasized the importance of taking medication as prescribed. Additional means of self-management are discussed in this article.

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A young man with blond hair in a UofM sweater stands next to his mom, smiling. The family resemblance is apparent.

Meet Thomas Putnam

- Thriving with Epilepsy

Thomas and Anna Putnam share a bond unlike any other brother and sister. They may just be the only non-twin siblings to have an SCN8A epilepsy diagnosis in the world. This rare form of epilepsy is due to a sodium channel disorder and affects the 14-year-old Thomas and 11-year-old Anna in similar ways.

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Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota appoints Jenna Carter as new Executive Director.