
The Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota Blog

large walk team posing for camera

Edelbrock Family – In Marcaylin’s Memory

- Thriving with Epilepsy

The Edelbrock’s became part of the epilepsy community in 2015 when at 18 months old, Marcaylin started having focal seizures. Unable to get her seizures under control, often causing Marcaylin to stop breathing, she passed away from Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy (SUDEP) in 2018. “We want people to know

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Family Camp Day 1 – Slime and Art

- Updates from Camp

We had some great kids and families from around the state, and even Wisconsin, sign in for the first day of EFMN’s 2021 Virtual Family Camp! Every kid was extremely excited to start digging through their Camp in a Box and finally find out what they were going to make

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Clinician’s Corner: Healthy Lifestyles and the Impact of Wellness on Epilepsy

- Clinician's Corner

By Dr. Jason Doescher, MOBĒ This article is the second in a three-part series highlighting the Epilepsy Foundation’s wellness initiative.  Part 1 featured an outline of a general healthy lifestyle, identified choices made within each element, and reinforced how consistent behavioral habits impact a person’s health. This section, Part 2,

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adult man looking at another adult who is speaking

DEI Committee Member Spotlight – Dr. Rupert Exconde

- Organization Updates

The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee helps us better serve communities of color, Native communities, individuals living with complex and rare epilepsies, and communities marginalized through social, economic, and political barriers as well as health care providers working most directly with these populations. Dr. Rupert Exconde is a member

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camp oz day 5 wrapup purple

Camp Oz Day 5 – Ending On a High (Musical Therapy) Note

- Updates from Camp

The last day of Camp Oz didn’t slow down enthusiasm and campers were fired up and ready to jump into another set of varied, tough to choose their favorite, activities. To kick off the morning the art group pulled out a rainbow of construction paper options from their Camp Boxes

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camp oz day 4 wrap-up purple

Camp Oz Day 4 – Marshmallows Over Construction Paper Campfires

- Updates from Camp

Day Four of Camp Oz is in the books and it was another amazing day filled with origami art, washing dye from our hands, licking marshmallow from our fingers, and showing off just how smart everyone is. Although our group for nature trivia was small, oh boy were they mighty

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camp oz day 3 wrap-up in purple

Camp Oz Day 3 – Only a Half-Point for Nemo?

- Updates from Camp

Camp Oz Day Three has come and gone but not without a lot of laughs, sticky hands, and ingenious creations. We kicked things off with a choice between Nature Games and Tin Foil Sculptures and both activities fueled camper imaginations and creativity. In Nature Games, campers played “I love Trees”

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young girl being held up by horse

Meela Keobounpheng – The Roles of Caregivers

- Thriving with Epilepsy

Caregivers play many roles in the lives of loved ones. For parents who have a child with epilepsy, it ranges from giving medication to working with their school, and yes, taking rides down the “black hole” slide at Family Camp each summer. Meela Keobounpheng, along with her parents Talia and

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Day 2 camp oz wrap-up in purple

Camp Oz Day 2 – Mission to Mars

- Updates from Camp

With our camper meteorologists reporting in mostly sunny skies from around the state, Day Two of Camp Oz was even better as the kids started to get more comfortable with their fellow campers and our virtual setup. Animal Bonanza or Mindfulness Art proved to be a tough first choice as

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Camp Oz Day 1 – Colorful Monsters

- Updates from Camp

Virtual Camp Oz started off on a great note this morning with nearly 30 campers signing in from across Minnesota, and even a couple in Wisconsin and North Dakota! A lot of things have changed in the last year plus, but one thing that didn’t is enthusiasm for camp. Energy

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Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota appoints Jenna Carter as new Executive Director.