Virtual Camp Oz started off on a great note this morning with nearly 30 campers signing in from across Minnesota, and even a couple in Wisconsin and North Dakota! A lot of things have changed in the last year plus, but one thing that didn’t is enthusiasm for camp. Energy
Read MoreThe Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee helps us better serve communities of color, Native communities, individuals living with complex and rare epilepsies, and communities marginalized through social, economic, and political barriers as well as health care providers working most directly with these populations. Martin Hernandez is our Regional Outreach
Read MoreBrette Garnatz wants to talk about the things we’re too often quiet about. Her message to others with epilepsy is think about and be active in managing your mental health. To women with epilepsy, she shares her difficulties around having a child while managing seizures. Brette’s journey began when she
Read MoreThe Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee helps us better serve communities of color, Native communities, individuals living with complex and rare epilepsies, and communities marginalized through social, economic, and political barriers as well as health care providers working most directly with these populations. Mark Devaraj is the chair of
Read MoreBy Dr. Jason Doescher, MOBĒ Be good to yourself, invest in your health and wellness Such a simple comment is easy to agree with but can be challenging to accomplish. While the basic ingredients of health are straightforward, our busy lives often influence choices to meet short-term needs at the
Read MoreEverett Forbes found a new way to make friends and socialize over the past year, despite the challenges of limited in-person events. He began attending virtual Teen Connect Groups in early 2020 and now finds the gatherings a regular part of his schedule where he gets to “do fun things”
Read MoreScott Buisman has always been open about his epilepsy and absence seizures. He’s had seizures at work in the past and they’ve never been a problem. But a recent seizure caused him to fall and be knocked-out, leading to a hospital visit. With no major injuries he returned to work,
Read MoreBy: Jeannine Conway, PharmaD, BCPS and Katherine Nickels, MD The transition of children into adolescence and adulthood can be exciting for the whole family. However, this can also be a time for anxiety, especially for children with chronic health conditions. Preparing children and their families is important to make this transition
Read MoreDerrick Dawson is a social person. When he lost his warehouse job in 2019, it meant less time with his friends and co-workers. When COVID forced us to bring organizational events online, it meant he wouldn’t be able to attend the in-person events he enjoys, like Studio-E Art Sessions, Connect
Read MoreAdvocacy can be done in many ways, in many places, and for many reasons. Kyah Altiere has made advocacy an important part of her life since the time she was prescribed toxic levels of her anti-seizure medication. This is when she became an advocate for herself, which transitioned into her
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