
2019 Annual Report

Dear Friends of EFMN,

Thank you for your involvement with us and the support you give to the epilepsy community. The work we do at the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota (EFMN) is centered on improving the lives of those affected by epilepsy. 2019 was a year in which we led the fight to overcome the challenges of living with epilepsy and accelerate therapies to stop seizures, find cures, and save lives.

Below, you will see how Information Services, the central hub of our organization, offers tools to individuals and families to overcome challenges, navigate their epilepsy journey, and gain independence.


Glen Lloyd
Executive Director
(photo below)

Patrick Burns
Board President
(photo below)

Epilepsy does not affect any two people the same. Whether it’s seizure type, medication side effects, lifestyle changes, or other challenges, each person impacted by epilepsy has their own unique journey. That’s why providing one-to-one support through Information Services is necessary.

Information Services is the core of the work we do and connects people to all the programs we offer.

From education to connection, we have programs for everyone — those directly affected by epilepsy, or a teacher who has a student with seizures. Moreover, our Seizure Smart Trainings are tailored to the audience, whether it be a workplace, school, or senior care facility.

2019 EFMN Program Impact


106 individuals attended Day at the Capitol

Camp Oz

159 children experienced the summer camp

Shining Stars

407 youth and teens participated in the Shining Starts program

Seizure Smart Trainings

16,095 individuals trained to be Seizure Smart

Connect Groups

711 attendees at Connect Group events

Seizure Smart Training Attendees Include:

* General Public includes workplaces, social service organizations, colleges/universities, and individual who may not have direct relationships with epilepsy

In 2019, Information Services fielded 655 requests from people seeking help in their epilepsy journey.

Conversations included questions from individuals with epilepsy, caregivers, community groups, and schools throughout Minnesota and eastern North Dakota. For many, Information Services is the starting point of their relationship with the Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota.

“The entire EFMN organization has been the foundation of my success, allowing me to show people living with epilepsy that it is not a barrier to reaching their goals in life.”

Kevin Reed, Program Participant

Most people reach out to learn about our programs and services, but those who are newly diagnosed may have a list of questions about epilepsy and seizures. Parents ask how to make their child’s school a safer place in the event they have a seizure. Adults with epilepsy want to learn about medication side effects, alternative treatment options, or seizure detection and treatment devices from our Information Services staff. Our staff includes Regional Coordinators and the Information Services Senior Coordinator, Debbie Leone.

2019 Board of Directors

Brandon Megal,

Rhea Nelson Rock,
Vice President

Bill Atwell,

Mike Britten,

Matt Brokl (deceased)

Patrick Burns

Mark Devaraj

Rachel Dyrud

Tim Feyma, MD

Anjie Flowers

Zack Frisk

Erica Holzer

Tayler Johnson

Jennifer Lavalley

Glen Lloyd

Wendy Osterberg

Sharon Roberg-Perez

Heidi Rosati

Brett Spark

Mike Sund

Julia Valente, MD

Trisha Zeller

2019 Professional Advisory Board

Joan Asmus, BSN, LSN, NBSCN

Anne Barnwell, MS, CRC, CPRP

Jeannine Conway, PharmD, BCPS

Jason Doescher, MD

Armantina Espinosa, MD

Rupert Exconde, MD

Tim Feyma, MD

Douglas Heck, PhD

Kimberly Heckman, MD

Thomas Henry, MD

Ilo Leppik, MD

Katherine Nickels, MD

Patricia Penovich, MD

Kathleen Rieke, MD

Joanne Rogin, MD

Alexandra Sequeira, MD

Tess Sierzant, MS, RN, ACNS-BC, CNRN

Tammy Sinkfield-Morey, DNP, RN, PHN, CRRN

Thaddeus Walczak, MD

Annual Report Financial Summary

Review the 2019 Statement of Activities and Statement of Financial Position

Review Financial Summary

Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota appoints Jenna Carter as new Executive Director.