
Category: Research & Innovation

Brain Stimulation for Epilepsy

- Research & Innovation Sponsored

Author: Brian N. Lundstrom, M.D., Ph.D., epileptologist Mayo Clinic This blog post is sponsored by Mayo Clinic. When people have recurrent seizures, they are diagnosed with epilepsy, which is defined as a tendency to have seizures. Epilepsy is first treated with medications. However, about one-third of people continue to have

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doctor with stethoscope treats young child

Advances in Epilepsy Surgery: Minimally Invasive Epilepsy Surgery in Children

- Research & Innovation Sponsored

When does it make sense to begin talking with your child’s doctor about epilepsy surgery?

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73 year old man smiling out window in home

Epilepsy In Seniors

- Research & Innovation

Epilepsy can be diagnosed at any point in someone’s life. There are currently more than 300,00 seniors with epilepsy in the US, and they’ve been identified as the population with the most rapid growth of epilepsy diagnoses. The most common provocations in seniors with epilepsy are stroke, degenerative disorders such

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Epilepsy Foundation of Minnesota appoints Jenna Carter as new Executive Director.