
Tag: Non-EFMN Event

Peer Led Connect Group: Significant Others/Partners

Join other significant others for an hour to discuss the highs and lows of your journey and hear from other significant others about how we best care for ourselves while caring for our loved ones with epilepsy.   Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86770016932?pwd=YlBFS3VkZ1U5Q0VxbmlFWWd0S1pzZz09 Meeting ID: 867 7001 6932 Passcode: 096545 For

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Epilepsy & Seizure Disorders: Awareness, Networking & Mentoring in BLA

A place for people to share their experiences, their encouragement and support for one another and to network together. Supporting each other goes beyond just sending an encouraging message, which we do rely on through difficult stages in our journey and we allow this space for each other to steam

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Combine for a Cure

Come support Dale as he combines his Corn crop and donates it to JDRF (Juvenile diabetes research foundation) and EFMN (Epilepsy foundation of Minnesota). The event will be located 1/4 mile west of 1825 270th St E Randolph MN. Food, Water, Pop, and ice cold beer will be provided. We

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